CleanControlling Medical is exhibiting for the first time with MedicalMountains at their joint stand at MEDICA 2024 in Düsseldorf. Visit us in hall 10 at stand…
CleanControlling was also present in Poland on the subject of technical cleanliness. The fourth event, led by Parts4cleaning, is now the established platform in…
In critical areas of high-performance technology or medical technology, all particles, including transparent or bright particles, are often relevant. Bright or…
Zusammenführung der Vertriebs-Teams aller Geschäftsbereich unter einheitlicher Vertriebsleitung führt zu Synergien bei fachlichen Überschneidungen und stellt…
Technical article in JOT - Journal für Oberflächentechnik 12/2022 on the subject of efficiency and comparability of suction extraction to classical extraction…