This measure is co-financed with tax revenue based on the budget adopted by the Saxon Landtag.
Development of the business area "chemical-filmic contamination" of CleanControlling GmbH, establishment of the chemistry laboratory
Active participation in the industry association "Adhesive Cleanliness" AdhäSa.
Microbiological laboratory CleanControlling Medical
Laboratory Expansion of the biology laboratory of CleanControlling Medical GmbH & Co. KG with 500 m² of laboratory space and state-of-the-art laboratory infratructure
Market introduction of the novel particle suction extraction system C|PS²
Accreditation of the extended laboratory services of CleanControlling Medical GmbH & Co. KG with tests in the context of validation of reprocessing and sterilization instructions
Extensive product catalogue with focus on technical cleanliness and relaunch of the new CleanControlling-eShop
10th anniversary with over 50,000 cleanliness inspections
First prototype of the novel particle suction extraction system
Moving and inauguration of the new company building in Gehrenstraße 11a in Liptingen
Accreditation of CleanControlling Medical GmbH & Co.KG according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025
GLP Compliance of CleanControlling Medical GmbH & Co.KG
Founding of CleanControlling Medical GmbH & Co. KG as a biological testing laboratory for biological and microbiological-hygienic cleanliness of medical devices
Acquisition of the land at today's location Gehrenstrasse 11a in Liptingen
Start of construction work on the new location
Participation in the corporate group in the revision of the VDA 19 Part 1
Implementation of the first symposium on technical cleanliness
Flow-through test stand - primary extraction with pre-filtered air
Construction and commissioning of an air extraction test bench for air-conducting components in accordance with VDA 19.1 (air throughflow extraction) as the world's first laboratory service provider
Laboratory extension by renting new premises
Establishment of a modern laboratory infrastructure under cleanroom conditions
Entry of Dipl. Ing (FH) Volker Burger into the management
Establishment of the CleanControlling Academy and the business field Consulting
Development of the first particle trap generation for particle monitoring
Accreditation of CleanControlling GmbH according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025
Company foundation of CleanControlling GmbH as testing laboratory in the field of technical cleanliness
Preparations for accreditation according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025