Dr. rer. nat. Steffen Oßwald
Sales Manager
Phone: +49 74 65-92 96 78-17
s.osswald @cleancontrolling.de
Marc Wendel
Technical cleanliness and CPS systems
Phone: +49 74 65-92 96 78-65
m.wendel @cleancontrolling.de
Justin Endes
Medical devices and C|PS systems
Phone: +49 74 65-92 96 78-702
j.endes @cleancontrolling.de
Heidrun Bonk
CPS systems and technical cleanliness
Phone: +49 74 65-92 96 78-725
h.bonk @cleancontrolling.de
Dr. rer. nat. Nils Rotthowe
Special Projects
Phone: +49 74 65-92 96 78-16
n.rotthowe @cleancontrolling.de
Nicolai Harms
Technical cleanliness and medical devices
Phone: +49 74 65-92 96 78-57
n.harms @cleancontrolling.de
Graham Scott Wilson
Sales Northamerica
Office: +1 252 400 4999
Cell: +1 704 891 8574
g.wilson @cleancontrolling.com