CleanControlling stands for comprehensive services in the fields of technical, medical and environmental cleanliness for surfaces, materials and media. In addition to cleanliness testing and documentation, it offers consultation, training and a specialist product range for the definition, achievement and maintenance of technical cleanliness. It also focuses on the preservation of human health in connection with product cleanliness and the absence of pollutants in water, soil and waste.
Through our customer-oriented services, we embrace our commitment to supporting and assisting our customers as a helpful, competent and transparent partner. A trusting, cooperative relationship with employees and fair collaboration with suppliers and service providers lie at the very heart of this. For us, regulation- and law-compliant business is a matter of course.
Since its early entry into the world of technical cleanliness CleanControlling has been intensively involved in committees and standards commissions for the practice-oriented interpretation of guidelines and standards and has given important impulses for the further development of these regulations. In addition, the variety of procedures for the extraction and analysis of particulate contaminants was refined and established.
The experience gained from the consulting projects and from analysis has been incorporated into the development of a specialised product range, which is finally presented in a comprehensive product catalogue and eShop. The international distribution of the product range is an essential part of this business field. Unique in product development is the particle suction extraction system C|PSĀ², a practical extraction process that is increasingly used in e-mobility processes, especially in battery production.
The increasing requirements in the area of chemical-filmic component cleanliness have also led to the establishment of further methods in chemical analysis. Suitable analysis routines are worked out for the customer's requests to ensure reliable, meaningful results.
The range of services includes testing of medical devices to determine biocompatibility according to the amendment of DIN EN ISO 10993-1, testing for validation and monitoring of cleaning processes, testing within the scope of validation of reprocessing and sterilization instructions, life-cycle testing, etc. In addition, the company offers comprehensive chemical analyses in the field of environmental analysis and special analysis.
A special focus is also on tests for the determination of particulate cleanliness. Due to the company's origins in the field of "technical cleanliness", CleanControlling Medical can draw on the comprehensive know-how gained from various methods for the analysis, typification and characterization of particles as well as the profound knowledge of cleanliness in industrial production processes.
The many years of experience from laboratory analysis in the field of technical cleanliness is also the important basis for efficient laboratory management with the highest demands on quality, reliability and short processing times, as also required in the automotive sector.