Our Partners


KIST + ESCHERICH GmbH has been involved in the prevention of electrostatic charges and the removal of surface contamination for over 40 years. The wide range of standard devices, the control of electrostatic effects and, last but not least, the long-standing strategic cooperation with CleanControlling make it possible to offer customized solutions for the removal of unwanted contamination. 

At the company headquarters in Dresden, KIST + ESCHERICH operates the TEC Center, where cleaning solutions are developed under realistic conditions.  Here, the customer benefits from fast and reliable cleanliness analyses, which are carried out directly in CleanControlling's accredited laboratory in Dresden, which is located in the same building.

On-Well Scientific has been our exclusive sales and service partner for products, in particular our particle extraction system, in China since 2018.
Tianjin On-well Scientific Corporation is a professional integrated supplier of analytical and testing instruments, consumables and chemical reagents. 

WITg- Our partner for the testing, analysis and characterization of materials, surfaces and coatings for special issues.

Wandres GmbH micro-cleaning specializes in the development and production of innovative brush and air cleaning systems for industrial surface cleaning/parts cleaning.

Elma is the leading manufacturer of quality products for cleaning the most sensitive components with a focus on ultrasonic cleaning technology.ist der Produzent von Qualitätsprodukten zur Reinigung von empfindlichsten Bauteilen mit dem Schwerpunkt in der Ultraschall-Reinigungs-Technologie.

Furtwangen University operates the Tuttlingen University Campus (HCT) in the fields of mechanical engineering, medical technology and mechatronics in cooperation with industry in Tuttlingen. The HCT is intended to serve as a model for other universities in Baden-Württemberg by involving local industry, which bears a significant proportion of the costs for setting up and running the study program.

The Hochschulcamus Tuttlingen Förderverein e.V. was founded for this purpose. CleanControlling is a supporting member of the association and thus directly supports the Tuttlingen university campus. The association has the right to have a say and shape the way teaching is carried out. The university thus implements a particularly practice-oriented education with the best opportunities for the future.

The Cleaning Excellence Center (CEC) is Germany's leading competence network for industrial component and surface cleaning, based in Leonberg near Stuttgart. CleanControlling is an active member of the CEC and played a key role in the creation of the guidelines for the manual follow-up inspection of microscopic evaluations. The CEC also organizes important laboratory round robin tests in which CleanControlling regularly participates.

Jomesa is the market leader in the field of automatic microscopic filter analysis (determination of technical cleanliness, oil cleanliness). CleanControlling is equipped with automatic particle measurement systems from Jomesa. 

The production of standard particles, their extensive range of applications and expert advice on the subject of “technical cleanliness” are the core competencies of Markus Hansel – normpartikel.com.

MedicalMountains is part of the TechnologyMountains industry association and offers a network that extends beyond the boundaries of the cluster structure of the Tuttlingen/Neckar-Alb region and connects small and medium-sized companies in particular. CleanControlling is an active member and benefits from the exchange of knowledge when participating in specific funding projects. In particular, CleanControlling was significantly involved in CleanMed for the creation of guidelines for the standardized cleaning of medical products.

The ZVEI - Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e.V. (German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association) - promotes the common interests of the electrical industry in Germany and at international level. CleanControlling is an active member of specialist committees and congresses on technical cleanliness. The ZVEI guidelines on technical cleanliness are now regarded as an important standard work in the electrical industry. As part of the ZVEI comparative study of various extraction and cleaning processes, CleanControlling was involved with its special expertise in dry extraction processes with extensive comparative tests.

The “Fachverband industrielle Teilereinigung e.V.” (FiT) acts as an interface between research, development and application of industrial cleaning technology under the umbrella of the ZVO (Zentralverband Oberflächentechnik e.V.). CleanControlling is an active member of FIT.

Education. Science. Innovation.
The Stifterverband is the only joint initiative of companies and foundations that provides comprehensive advice, networking and support in the fields of education, science and innovation.