TISAX - for more information security

What is TISAX?

TISAX is a testing and exchange mechanism of test results according to the industry-specific standard VDA-ISA, which was developed with regard to the implementation of Information Security Assessments in the ENX Association and is published by the Association of the Automotive Industry.

How is TISAX implemented at CleanControlling GmbH?

CleanControlling GmbH has identified and classified its information assets in the course of introducing an information security management system (ISMS) and has defined in particular for prototypes how these are protected. The ISMS and the implementation of the measures required to achieve the defined information security level were audited and recognized in July 2023. The results of the TISAX assessment can be viewed via the ENX portal under the scope ID SCH9L9. This requires free registration on the ENX portal.

Why does CleanControlling offer TISAX-compliant analyses?

TISAX-compliant analyses are primarily intended for prototypes or other components that require a high level of protection. In the automotive industry, IT and cyber security play an increasingly important role. Suppliers and service providers often process sensitive information and are closely involved in product development. They must therefore prove that they meet information security requirements. The TISAX testing and exchange mechanism is designed to make this much easier. As a leading laboratory in the field of technical cleanliness, CleanControlling GmbH is following this path.

What is the reason for the additional work involved in TISAX-compliant analyses?

In order to protect prototypes or other components with a high protection requirement, both organizational and physical additional effort is required. Thus, the components can only be transported, handled and protected by specially trained personnel and protective devices.

How to order TISAX-compliant analysis?

When you first contact CleanControlling GmbH, please indicate that you would like a TISAX-compliant analysis. Our employee can then inform you about the further procedure. If you send the component to us, you must make the appropriate marking on the goods accompanying bill, otherwise we cannot guarantee a TISAX-compliant analysis. Additional agreements made are not affected by this.

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