The testing procedure for cytotoxicity tests involves several steps to ensure that the products tested do not have any harmful effects on cells:
Cell lines are cultured cells that are widely used in research and in tests such as cytotoxicity assays. They provide a consistent and reproducible platform for evaluating cell responses to various substances. Commonly used cell lines include:
Extraction and incubation times are decisive parameters in cytotoxicity tests. They vary depending on the type of medical device. The following options can be used as an initial guideline, but the final decision must be made by the manufacturer based on a risk assessment:
There are various evaluation methods for cytotoxicity tests, which are described in the standard DIN EN ISO 10993-5. These methods are suggestions and are not binding. The common methods include
CleanControlling's preferred method of analysis is crystal violet staining, which has been used as standard at CleanControlling for years and is also accredited. This method is also recognized by the FDA.
To ensure comparability with previous analyses, we recommend that the extraction and incubation times are generally retained. These are listed in the final reports. However, new parameters are also possible. These parameters, which are important for the test, can be specified by the client in the TEST ITEM CHARACTERIZATION SHEET and thus form the basis for the subsequent test planning.
The use of proven evaluation methods is essential for a reliable assessment of the cytotoxicity of medical devices. The extraction and incubation times, which can vary depending on the product, are essential for a reliable evaluation of the cytotoxicity of medical devices. Consistent extraction and incubation times are crucial for the reproducibility of tests, especially in the case of repeat tests or tests as part of monitoring. These measures help to ensure the safety and biocompatibility of the products.