Zwei Hände mit weißen Handschuhen, welche neben der Filtereinheit sind, halten abgeflachte Pinzette mit einem dünnen Filter und eine Ablage in der Hand.

Particle separation methods

Flexible application

The C|PS suction extraction system offers several particle separation methods for suction extraction. This allows the system to cover a wide variety of different use cases.


Particle separation in laboratory bottles

The aspirated particles are collected in a clean laboratory bottle via the cyclone unit. For the subsequent analysis, the particles collected in the laboratory bottle are transferred to analysis filters using liquid analysis filtration and then analyzed using light-optical and gravimetric measurement.

This method is especially suitable for large component surfaces with higher particle loads. It impresses thanks to dry, non-destructive testing of large components, including with delimited control areas.

Particle separation on the particle trap

The suction flow in the cyclone unit separates the particles and deposits them on a particle trap mounted in the particle trap extraction pad provided for this purpose. The particle trap can then undergo light-optical analysis with no further pretreatment required.

This method is suitable for components with smaller particle loads, i.e. components that tend to be smaller and “clean”. It impresses due to the possibility of immediate light-optical analysis and results which are quickly available.

Direct filtration

The particles are extracted directly via the filter unit and separated from the air stream using the special analysis filter (>5µm). The analysis filter can be evaluated based on its light-optical properties immediately after suction extraction. If required, the flushing unit can be used to prepare the filter residue for light-optical analysis. The flushing unit also allows a filter cascade to be used in the case of greater particle volumes.

This method is suitable for testing smaller surfaces with a lower particle load, e.g. on workpiece carriers in process environments or for testing printed circuit boards. The filter residue can be prepared for analysis with a liquid medium and then aspirated when dry. This method impresses thanks to the analysis filter being quickly available for the subsequent light-optical analysis.

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