Find out in the presentation by Dr. Martin Nalbach (ZEISS) why absolute cleanliness is a decisive factor in the production of the world's most precise EUV lithography optics (in German language only).
The requirements for cleanliness in semiconductor manufacturing are extremely high - even the smallest impurities can impair the performance of high-end optics. ZEISS Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology (SMT) therefore relies on highly developed cleanliness standards and innovative technical solutions to ensure the quality and precision of these essential components.
(in German language only)
(in German language only)
18:00 - 19:30: Introduction to the basics of technical cleanliness according to VDA 19 Part 1 and 2
Moderation: Volker Burger, Managing Director, CleanControlling
This basic workshop serves as preparation for the subsequent symposium and its presentations and is intended to make it easier for participants who are new to the topic of technical cleanliness to get started.