online basic-seminar TECHNICAL CLEANLINESS VDA 19.1 and VDA 19.2 (20500)

10.09.2024 09:00 Uhr - 11.09.2024 13:00 Uhr
Digitale Veranstaltung

Seminar Verwaltung

Price : 380,00 EUR (netto)

SAVE THE DATE online basic-seminar TECHNICAL CLEANLINESS VDA 19.1 and VDA 19.2 Please note that our online seminar is only available in German.

Please note that our online seminar is only available in German. 

Main Topics

  • Cleanliness inspection according to VDA 19 Part 1
  • Assembly and production cleanliness according to VDA 19 Part 2 
  • Definition and handling of/with cleanliness limit values

Target group

Laboratory manager and laboratory staff in Technical Cleanliness laboratories, responsible designer, project manager and quality staff who have to define cleanliness specifications and pass on the quality characteristic to the supply chain.

Participation fee

Participation fee for 1 person380,00 EUR
2 persons from one company360,00 EUR
3 persons from one company340,00 EUR
4 persons from one company320,00 EUR
5 persons from one company300,00 EUR
Cancellation fee for cancellations up to two weeks before the start of the event10 % of the participation fee
Cancellation fee for cancellations within two weeks before the start of the event50 % of the participation fee


Registration, Payment

Please register online only using the link below. You can register up to 5 participants in one registration online. To do this, first select the number of people to be registered and enter their contact details in the additional fields provided. The online registration serves to record the participant data, a direct payment upon registration does not take place.

Following registration, you will receive our order confirmation, in which the participation fee in the case of multiple registrations or the package offer will be activated. Before the start of the seminar you will receive the invoice according to the order confirmation. Please settle the invoice according to the confirmed terms of payment. Your order references will of course be listed in the invoice, provided we have received them from you.

Do you have any questions about the basic seminar? We will be happy to answer them at or by phone: +49 7465/ 92 96 780.

CleanControlling - Test laboratory for technical cleanliness


Day 1 Thursday, 10.09.2024                       

9:00 CET     Welcome and opening of the seminar

Technical Cleanliness: motivation and successful operations today and tomorrow

  • When do we speak about Technical Cleanliness?

Dr. rer. nat. Steffen Oßwald, Sales Manager

9:45 CET     Cleanliness test accordlng to VDA 19 part 1

  • Sequence and execution of the cleanliness test
  • Selection of the extraction method
  • Verification of the extraction methods
  • Blank value in the laboratory

B. Sc. Jörg Kotzian, Team Leader Laboratory TecSa

10:30 CET   Break

11:00 CET    Practical part - video from CleanControlling cleanliness laboratory

Sequence of a standard cleanliness analysis

11:20 CET   Application Particle Suction Extraction System

11:35 CET   Microscopic particle analysis

Functionality of the particle counting systems

  • Image acquisition, object recognition, object measurement
    Typing: polarization to metal detection, post control, documentation
  • Fiber detection
  • Limits of particle measurement by means of microscopic analysis
  • Criteria for evaluability of filters

Yasemin Müller, Assisten of CEO

12:15 CET    Practical part - video from mlcroscopy

Demonstration and discussion of a microscopic analysis

Patrick Vogel, Laboratory

12:45 CET   Day 1 end

Day 2 Wednesday, 11.09.2024                       

9:00 CET   Welcome and opening of 2nd seminar day

Dr. rer. nat. Steffen Oßwald, Sales Manager

9:25 CET   Further analyses according to VDA 19.1 & additional chemical methods

  • Particle identification with the scanning electron microscope and infrared spectroscopy
  • Chemical analysis methods for testing surface cleanliness

Dr. rer. nat Andreas Früh, Study Director Special Projects

10:00 CET  From concept to practice - definition and handling of/with cleanliness limit values

  • Limit value definition
  • Escalation strategy at OEM

Leander Gihr, Consultant

10:45 CET   Break

11:15 CET  lnfluence of the environment on component cleanliness according to VDA 19 part 2 

Concept of a clean production, influencing factors and recommendations for action

  • Room concepts
  • Ambient and particle monitoring by means of lllig value determination


11:50 CET     Assembly and production cleanliness according to VDA 19 part 2

Concept of a clean production, influencing factors and recommendations for action

  • Logistics and  packaging  concepts
  • Principles  for  the design of  assembly equipment


12:30 CET      Concluding discussion and question and answer session        

13:00 CET      Day 2 end

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