
Analysis methods:

  • Extraction, analytical filtration, stereomicroscopy for the measurement and classification of all particles / fibers
  • Further SEM/EDX analysis for material determination of inorganic particles / fibers.

Other particles and materials

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Chip of iron

Chip of iron

picture of particle
SEM micrograph

Chip of iron and silicon (2)

metallic Particle of iron, silicon and carbon (chip of iron, alloy of silicon, magnetically soft steel FeSi)

picture of particle
SEM micrograph

Chip of iron with impurities

Chip of iron with impurities

picture of particle
SEM micrograph

Chip of iron, low alloyed steel (3)

metallic Particle of iron, manganese, chrome and carbon (chip of iron, low alloyed steel)

picture of particle
SEM micrograph

Chip of stainless steel

metallic Particle of iron, chrome, nickel, manganese and silicon (stainless steel) and oxygen with constituents of carbon

picture of particle
SEM micrograph

Chip of zinc and iron

Hints of zinc, iron, oxid of silicon, salts of sodium, potassic and calcium

picture of particle
SEM micrograph

Iron oxid

Metallic particle of iron oxid with constituents of sodium and carbon

picture of particle
SEM micrograph

Oxidised iron-zinc-particle

Hints of iron and zinc, probably oxidised, oxides of silicon, eventually salts (chloride) of aluminium, sodium, magnesium, potassic and calcium, also phosphorus and sulfur

picture of particle
SEM micrograph